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HLFX is coming in Q3 2024
Why Choose HLFX?
Supercharge your trades with 20x leverage Embark on a lucrative trading journey with HLFX, where you gain exclusive access to the most sought-after markets, wielding the power of up to 20x leverage.
Supercharge your trades with 20x leverage
Trade with confidence with cTrader HLFX chooses cTrader as its preferred trading platform for its user-friendly interface, lightning-fast execution, extensive asset selection, robust security, and advanced analytical tools, ensuring an exceptional trading experience for traders of all levels.
Unlock the gateway to the world's most popular Forex and Crypto markets with the incredible power of up to 100x leverage, amplifying your potential for profit.
Instant deposits HLFX offers instant deposit capabilities, enabling seamless funding of your account for swift access to trading opportunities without any delays.
Instant deposits
Tight spreads Take advantage of HLFX's tight spreads and no commissions ensuring that you minimise costs and maximise your potential returns. Our commitment to offering industry-leading spreads empowers you to trade with confidence.
Tight spreads
Dedicated support At HLFX, we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional online support. Our experienced team is available around the clock to assist you with any questions or concerns, ensuring that you receive the guidance you need.
Dedicated support
What is CFD?
CFD stands for Contract for Difference. It is a financial derivative that allows traders to speculate on the price movements of various financial instruments without owning the underlying asset.
What financial instruments can I trade with CFDs?
You can trade a wide range of financial instruments with CFDs, including stocks, indices, commodities, currencies, and cryptocurrencies.
What is leverage in CFD trading?
Leverage is a tool that allows you to increase your trading position with a smaller initial investment. However, it also increases your risk of losses.
What is a margin call?
A margin call is a situation where you receive a request from your broker to deposit additional funds into your trading account to maintain your open positions. This occurs when the value of your positions drops below a certain level.
How do I manage my risk in CFD trading?
You can manage your risk in CFD trading by setting stop-loss orders, using proper position sizing, and avoiding over-leveraging.
What are the trading hours for CFDs?
The trading hours for CFDs depend on the underlying asset. For example, stock CFDs are usually traded during the market hours of the respective stock exchange, while forex CFDs are traded 24 hours a day.
What fees are associated with CFD trading?
The fees associated with CFD trading include spreads, commissions, overnight financing charges, and inactivity fees.
What is the difference between a long and short position in CFD trading?
A long position in CFD trading means you are buying an asset with the expectation that its price will rise. A short position means you are selling an asset with the expectation that its price will fall.